Dare to Be Different and Grow Rich
“A fascinating explanation of the positive effect of goal setting on enabling people to become extremely wealthy.”
Dr Gary Latham, Secretary of State Professor of Organizational Effectiveness at the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto
“This much-needed book examines success and what it takes to achieve it. Looking in detail at the case histories of those who had the courage and tenacity to blaze new trails, to apply themselves and to learn, Dare to be Different and Grow Rich contains lessons for all who want to achieve great things. It looks to the future as well as to the past. Inspired by the accruements of other achievers, it will motivate today’s generation to emulate them and to accomplish things that will not only bring success to themselves but will provide the innovations that improve the common lot for all of us.”
Dr Madsen Pirie, President, the Adam Smith Institute
“Being different often leads to success. Read this book to learn How and Why.”
Jim Rogers International Investor.
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The Author
Rainer Zitelmann is an internationally successful author who has written and published 23 books. He holds doctorates in history and sociology. He is also a successful investor who has become wealthy through investments in real estate. He regularly writes for renowned media in Europe (Die Welt, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Focus, etc.) and for Forbes.com in the United States.